#26: Building businesses and going through succession with Emma Ayliffe
Welcome to Episode 26 of A Place To Call Home Podcast.
On this Episode we chat to Emma Ayliffe from Summit Ag. This is a great conversation, and we were privilege to have Emma share her knowledge and expertise on a range of topics.
Throughout this Episode we chat about.
- All things Cotton
- Starting a consulting business
- Buying their first farm
- Working through succession
- What it takes to start a business in Agriculture
You can find out more about Emma on the socials below.
Summit Ag - Agricultural Consulting
Emma Ayliffe - Yacker App | LinkedIn
If you enjoyed the episode, please share with your friends and family.
This episode is brought to you by,
Maraboon Rural Veterinary Service
Maraboon Rural Veterinary Services (maraboonruralvetservices.com.au)