#40: Creating "A Place to Call Home" during a crisis with Tam Michalek.

Welcome to Episode 40 of A Place To Call Home Podcast.

On this episode we chat to Tam Michalek. Tam was one of youngest people to ever have a live export licence in Australia and throughout this journey we chat all about live export and her journey to finding A Place to Call Home.

Throughout this Episode we chat about.
- Finding her place to Agriculture
- Moving to WA
- Working in Live Export
- The positive story about live export
- What is happening in WA at the moment
- The flow on effect for communities and industries
- Tam's land ownership journey.

If you want to want to learn from some of things Tam's Mentioned throughout the episode, please see links below
PCAS Information | AUS-MEAT (ausmeat.com.au)
Keep the Sheep
Home - YLEN - Young Livestock Exporters Network

You can find out more about Tam Below
 Tam (Pfitzner) Michalek | LinkedIn


#41: What is ESG and how will it affect your land ownership journey with Ana Almeida from TNQ Drough


#39: Going from five head to a cattle station with Kylie Stretton