#49: Going from no cows to feeding the world with Bianca Tarrant from Our Cow
Welcome to Episode 49 of A Place to Call Home.
This week we chat to Bianca Tarrant from Our Cow, who shares her journey to creating one of the most amazing businesses.
We also chat about
Journey to land ownership
Overcoming disaster
Paddock to plate journey
Building a team as you grow a business
Continual learning and how that helps you in your journey
Connecting with consumers
How to deal with growing pains.
If you are looking for more information about what Nick mentioned, check out the links below.
Farm Owners Academy
You can find out more about Bianca and Our Cow below
Our Farmers: Dave & Bianca, Beef Cattle Farmers & Our Cow Founders - Our Cow
OUR COW (@ourcowau) • Instagram photos and videos
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This episode of A Place to Call Home, is brought to you by
Flinders Outlaw